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By David Harder on March, 22, 2016

Swallowed or Catching the Wave of Change?

Join us, April 17 & 18
The Inspired Work Program
(Los Angeles)


The game of loving and being successful in one’s work has transformed from perhaps making one or two changes in one’s entire career to regular reinvention.


In 1990, Inspired Work began a revolutionary journey that has given over 42,000 professionals the tools to become unique and successful in the world of work. We view work as a relationship, one that offers profound opportunities to find meaning, purpose, joy, expression and creativity regardless of our background or our story. Our graduates use the outcome of this immersive two-day experience to launch new careers, revitalize existing work, become first time business owners or elicit a breakthrough with their overall success. For example, our participants have secured film deals, book deals, dream jobs, promotions and awards within weeks of this experience.


How? Building a great relationship with our work requires that every vital ingredient is identified and defined, every necessary skill set is in place and above all, a support system is structured to make these outcomes inevitable.


The Inspired Work Program uses a question-driven (Socratic) process that delivers on-the-spot breakthroughs. Uniquely, these insights are lasting because they come from your truth, not ours. Consequently, every participant is having a fully unique experience and outcome.


What will you learn? You will learn how to reinvent yourself in such fluid and exciting ways that you,







Their unique process brings your dreams to the forefront (regardless of how hidden or unreachable they may seem). Once your “greater good” comes into focus, the path is cleared for your success. One workshop and one private session and I was on my way to a new, exciting and rewarding next phase of my professional life.

Rita Soza, tenured Professor, Miracosta College


David Harder’s program is like a heat-seeking missile for finding and fostering a person’s destiny. I don’t know how they do it but it is brilliant!

Linda Sivertsen,



We have room for twenty – 

Consider what could happen if you are one of them.

To enroll, call (310) 277-4850

For more about Inspired Work, Click Here.
