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Tag Archive from: life coaching

Coach or Therapist?

Coach or Therapist?

By David Harder on the November, 6, 2019

When we launched Inspired Work in 1990, the coaching profession was in its infancy. Today, the coaching industry generates about $2billion in revenue every year. In short order, coaches not only disrupted the therapeutic profession, but it also ran off with many of their most affluent clients. In Europe, seeing […]

dogs licking lion

What if the Only Thing to Fear is Forgetting the Practice of Courage?

By David Harder on the June, 7, 2018

The moment we commit our lives to avoiding discomfort, we sentence our lives to mediocrity.   The dogs in this picture grew up around a lion who had been rescued when his mother was killed. One of the dachshunds squeezed into the lion’s pen. Three others followed. The lion and […]

surfing spectacular

How One Legal Secretary Saved Thousands of Lives

By David Harder on the April, 12, 2018

This past weekend, I was at the Luxe Sunset delivering an Inspired Work Program. Our participants were there to find a new purpose, new work, and in some cases, new careers.   I like to sit alone at lunch to decompress and that was when I read the news of […]

dogs licking lion

What if the Only Thing We Have to Fear is Forgetting the Practice of Courage?

By David Harder on the April, 2, 2018

The moment we commit our lives to avoiding discomfort, we sentence our lives to mediocrity.   As a partner to Dachshunds for many years, the picture doesn’t surprise me. These little dogs live life to the fullest. A dog trainer once said, “I would rather teach a Zebra to hold […]

surfing spectacular

How Unlearning Will Change Your Life

By David Harder on the March, 21, 2018

In a world where change grows every day, it is vitally important that we become athletic active learners. Over the last two decades, the acceleration of change has impacted each and every one of us. For many, the experience has been stressful and even damaging. New behaviors and outlooks are […]

man on blue wave

Buckminster Fuller’s Incredible Letter About Everyone’s Unique Purpose

By David Harder on the November, 3, 2017

Every single one of us has a unique gift and I find that until we step into that gift, we suffer. I’ve watched people awaken to their unique gift thousands of times. It is our natural self, well beyond a job description, and it is the one thing no one […]

surfing spectacular

Hope – The Baggage That Can Sink Us

By David Harder on the November, 1, 2017

I hope that things will change.   I hope that I will get a new job.   I hope a client will come through the door.   I’ve been hoping everything will turn out.   The common thread through these statements is that hope requires nothing from us. In other […]

surfing spectacular

The Middle-Class Is Not What We Are Losing!

By David Harder on the October, 17, 2017

What we have is the disappearance of task workers. This basic seismic shift is so frightening that many are doing what humans do. We point towards the symptoms rather than the truth. But, for those of us who do tasks for a living, we either need to reinvent ourselves or […]

surfing spectacular

27 Years – What Did I Learn?

By David Harder on the September, 8, 2017

The life I lead began 27 years ago today. That morning opened with a drive down Pacific Coast Highway to the Loews Beach Hotel. Walking through the lobby, each step felt like a jump out of a plane without a parachute. But, an inner voice suggested I would find my […]

surfing spectacular

What Is The Real Price of Diversity?

By David Harder on the August, 23, 2017

Yesterday, I was walking to the bank in Pacific Palisades when two elderly women ran out of the beauty salon wearing ugly cardboard and plastic sunglasses. Their hair was covered in the foil used during dye jobs to achieve that “natural look.” In unison, they yelled at me, “Do you […]
