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Tag Archive from: executive coaching

Why Does Employee Engagement Rely on Self-Change Skills?

Why Does Employee Engagement Rely on Self-Change Skills?

By David Harder on the October, 30, 2019

“I know I can be difficult but don’t worry, you’ll change.” The Modern Workplace   How many of us are conscious enough to be excited about trading in the traditional sense of security for perpetual growth?   In essence, this is what the new workplace offers, as well as demands. […]

Mid-Management, Engagements Final Frontier!

Mid-Managment, Engagements Final Frontier!

By David Harder on the August, 20, 2019

As the world undergoes the biggest restructuring of work since the Printing Revolution and task work disappears, the role of mid-management has become confusing. Because the very profession emerged out of task work. Routinely, individual contributors that produced the most work were rewarded with promotions into middle management. Usually, the […]

What Are Courage Skills?​

What Are “Courage Skills?”​

By David Harder on the August, 12, 2019

Milo is an 11-pound dachshund and Bonedigger is a 500-pound lion. Milo and his lifelong friend Angel have forged a friendship with the Lion that is joyous and happy, and unexpected. The payoff of our practicing courage can also be having lives that are joyous, happy, and unexpected. There are […]

Just Why Do Leaders Need Truth?

Just Why Do Leaders Need Truth?

By David Harder on the July, 5, 2019

Human beings are hard-wired to think about something other than themselves for 15-seconds. This one science-based fact can lead to the conclusion that pitch selling doesn’t work. It also means that telling people what to do will never produce employee engagement.   Think about it. If people are unable to […]

Why the Employer Brand is the Most Important Brand of All

Why the Employer Brand is the Most Important Brand of All

By David Harder on the June, 17, 2019

Who would you rather work for?   United Airlines or Southwest Airlines?   Google or Yahoo?   Vons/Safeway or Trader Joe’s?   Odds are high that you have identified the better employer with each example simply through word-of-mouth or direct customer experience. Or, you might be seriously interested in working for one […]

The Truth Behind Mary Barra's Debacle

The Truth Behind Mary Barra’s Debacle

By David Harder on the November, 27, 2018

General Motor’s CEO is clearly willing to take decisive action in moving the company forward. But, her overall performance is strikingly uneven.   Let’s start with the good news. Barra has made bold moves towards the future by investing in self-driving cars, electric vehicles and ride-sharing networks. In 2016, GM […]

Does Your Bank Love You or View You as an Easy Mark?

Does Your Bank Love You or View You as an Easy Mark?

By David Harder on the November, 8, 2018

Many consumers pay little attention to the quality of certain vendors. Banking is all the same right? And yet, we find that the CEO or owner of all businesses sets the tone in how customers and employees are treated.   In 1990, I launched Inspired Work out of my condo […]

Why Have Employer Brands Become More Important Than Consumer Brands?

Why Have Employer Brands Become More Important Than Consumer Brands?

By David Harder on the November, 5, 2018

Employer brands have become equally important to consumer brands.   A consumer brand tells the world why you exist.   An employer brand is who are actually are.   In our country, entire tribes of CEOs perpetuate an idea that in order to offer low-prices customers are willing to have […]

How Can Elon Musk Be Saved?

How Can Elon Musk Be Saved?

By David Harder on the September, 28, 2018

Many of us don’t define what we truly want to accomplish with our lives because we believe, on some fundamental level, that the right people will not show up to help us.   However, once we define what we want to accomplish, our success is purely based on the quality […]

surfing spectacular

The Single Most Important Trait in a Hire? Surprise!

By David Harder on the July, 28, 2018

“Years ago, we were in the midst of making a difficult hiring decision between three very good attorneys. You made a statement that left a deep impression on me. I asked for your opnion and you said, ‘Hire the candidate that is going to be the most grateful.’”   This […]
